26 Frugal Living Tips That Will Help You To Save Money

Are you tired up with living paycheck to paycheck? Do you want to save more money but are unsure where to begin?

Frugal living is about being resourceful and finding ways to save where you can, not about being cheap.

With at least 26 ways to be more frugal in your daily life, you’ll be well on your way to being debt-free in no time.

What is frugal living?

Frugal living is a way of life that involves being financially responsible and frugal with one’s expenditures.

It involves staying within one’s means and avoiding unnecessary expenditure.

Frugal living does not imply being cheap, but rather being resourceful and looking for ways to save money whenever possible.

This may involve saving money on ordinary costs by utilizing coupons, freebies, and DIY methods.

Frugal living can assist people prioritize their financial goals and focus their money and attention on the things that are most important to them.

Is frugal the same as cheap?

Frugal and cheap are not the same thing. Frugal means being economical in the use of money or resources, while cheap means being unwilling to spend money.

A frugal person will try to buy quality items but wait for a sale or use coupons to offset some of the costs, while a cheap person will buy whatever they can find at the lowest price possible.

Being frugal is about prioritizing your spending so that you can have more of the things you really care about, while being cheap is about spending less.

Frugal people are concerned about not being wasteful, while cheap people focus on spending the least amount of money possible.

Is frugal living worth it?

The answer to whether frugal living is worth it is subjective and depends on individual circumstances.

Living frugally can help you save money, reduce debt, and invest more.

It can also help you appreciate what you have and develop a frugal mindset.

However, being too frugal can also have negative consequences, such as missing out on opportunities to invest or improve your financial situation.

Ultimately, it is up to each person to decide whether frugal living aligns with their values and goals.

What are some benefits of frugal living

Frugal living has many benefits, including:

  • Reducing expenses and helping to pay off debts
  • Providing financial freedom and contentment
  • Allowing for earlier retirement
  • More money for saving and investing
  • Developing a deeper appreciation for life and the things you have
  • Putting you in a position of power when making financial decisions
  • Leading to greater happiness in the long term.

How to start living frugally?

There are many ways to start living frugally. Here are some tips:

  • Start slowly and try out new frugal tips and strategies
  • Use coupons, deals, and freebies mindfully
  • Repair and tailor your clothing instead of buying new
  • Barter services with neighbors and friends
  • Eat out less often and cook at home
  • Buy used items instead of new
  • Use a purchase waiting period to avoid impulse buys
  • Adjust your thermostat to save on heating and cooling costs
  • Opt for generic brands instead of name brands
  • Buy high-quality items that will last a long time
  • Be intentional with your spending and money.

26 Frugal Living Tips

1. Be Aware of Your Spending

Being aware of your spending is important for frugal living.

Frugal living is a money-saving lifestyle that can help you develop healthy money habits and achieve your financial goals.

It’s not about being cheap, but rather being resourceful and finding ways to save where you can.

By being mindful of your expenses, you can focus your money and attention on the things you value, whether that’s saving for retirement, traveling, or living a debt-free life.

There are many frugal living tips available, including simple ways to save money on groceries, home repairs, and family outings.

By adopting a frugal living mindset, you can live a fulfilling and frugal lifestyle while still enjoying life.

2. Make Decluttering a Habit

Decluttering helps people save money and live a simpler life.

There are many reasons to make decluttering a habit, including saving time, being more organized, feeling refreshed, and creating space for new habits.

Decluttering can also help people sell items they no longer use, which can bring in extra money.

There are many resources available to help people declutter faster and more efficiently.

3. Set a Budget and Track it

Setting a budget and tracking it is an important frugal living tip that can help you save money.

By keeping track of your expenses, you can identify areas where you may be overspending and adjust your budget accordingly.

This can help you prioritize your spending and focus on the things that are most important to you.

Holding onto receipts and using budgeting apps can make it easier to track your actual spending.

Frugal living is not about being cheap, but rather about being resourceful and finding ways to save where you can.

4. Avoid credit card debt

Avoiding credit card debt is a common frugal living tip.

Credit card debt can lead to high interest rates, missed payments, and financial strain.

To avoid credit card debt, it is important to stay on track with payments and avoid overspending.

Some tips for avoiding credit card debt include using a 0% APR credit card for financing debt or new purchases, trimming costs, and allocating money to a savings account for future expenses.

5. Walk or bike when you can

Walking or biking instead of driving is a frugal living tip that can save you money.

Biking to work, in particular, has many benefits, including improving fitness and being better for your finances.

Walking or biking instead of driving can also be a form of exercise that improves strength, balance, and coordination.

6. Cook Meals At Home More often

Cooking meals at home more often is a frugal living tip that can save you money and improve your health.

People who cook at home tend to have healthier diets without higher food expenses.

Cooking at home allows you to control what you eat and how much you eat, which can help you save money on groceries and whole foods.

Eating at home is also cheaper than going out to eat at restaurants.

7. Find Some Inexpensive Hobbies

Finding inexpensive hobbies can be a great way to save money while still having fun.

There are many options for frugal hobbies that don’t require a lot of money upfront and have minimal ongoing costs.

Some examples include reading, hiking, gardening, and cooking.

You can also find free or low-cost activities in your community, such as attending local events or visiting parks and museums.

By pursuing frugal hobbies, you can enjoy your free time without breaking the bank.

8. Shop Sensibly

Shopping sensibly is a frugal living tip that can help you save money.

By shopping sensibly, you can avoid impulse purchases and only buy what you need.

This can help you stick to your budget and avoid overspending.

Frugal living is all about attitude and making small changes to your spending habits.

9. Cook in bulk

Cooking in bulk is a frugal living tip that can save time and money.

By cooking large quantities of food at once, you can take advantage of sales and discounts on ingredients.

Batch cooking can also help you avoid the expense of eating out or ordering takeout.

Additionally, buying ingredients in bulk can save money on groceries.

Cooking in bulk can be done with basic and natural ingredients, and it doesn’t have to be time-consuming or bland.

This is just one of many frugal living tips that can help you save money without sacrificing enjoyment of life.

10. Cancel the gym and workout at home

Canceling the gym and working out at home allows you to save money on gym memberships and transportation costs.

Additionally, working out at home gives you more control over cleanliness and allows you to use what you have or invest in home exercise equipment.

This can be a great way to save money while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

11. Buy certain food items in bulk

When you buy in bulk, the price per unit is usually lower, and you can make fewer trips to the store.

It is recommended to purchase non-perishable food items in bulk, and if you purchase perishable food items, cook them in bulk and freeze them to prevent waste.

You can save anywhere from 20% to 83% on your purchases by buying in bulk.

It is also suggested to stock up during sales to save even more money.

Some examples of food items that are recommended to buy in bulk include bread, cereal, bulk proteins, hard cheeses, butter, eggs, and olive oil.

12. Don’t throw away leftovers

Throwing away leftovers is not a good idea, and there are several reasons why. First, it is a waste of food and money.

The average family of four spends $1,500 each year on food that ends up uneaten.

Second, throwing away food contributes to environmental problems, such as greenhouse gas emissions and landfills.

Finally, there are many ways to repurpose leftovers, such as using them in new recipes or freezing them for later use. By reducing food waste, you can save money and help the environment.

13. Make your own coffee

Brewing only the amount of coffee you need can help you avoid wasting money on unused coffee.

Frugal living is about finding ways to save money without depriving yourself of the things you enjoy.

There are many frugal living tips available that can help you save money and live within your means.

14. Check out coupons

Checking out coupons is a frugal living tip that can help you save money on things you were going to buy anyway.

Coupons, deals, and freebies can be found online or in local couponing sites. Frugal living is not about being cheap, but rather being resourceful and finding ways to save where you can so you can focus your money on the things you value.

By using coupons mindfully, you can save money on your expenses and use the savings to invest in your future or save for what’s important to you.

15. Pay down your debt

Paying down your debt is an important aspect of frugal living and can help you achieve financial freedom.

By reducing extra expenditures and creating a spending plan, you can save as much as possible.

It is also recommended to give your credit cards a break and stick to a cash-based budget until you get your financial house in order.

Paying off high-interest debts first, like credit card debt, can help you become debt-free faster.

Additionally, eliminating non-essential expenses, creating an emergency fund, and canceling credit cards are some of the key actions that can help you get out of debt.

16. Designate a monthly food budget

By setting a budget, you can plan your meals and purchases more effectively, avoid impulse buys, and reduce food waste.

A frugal grocery budget can also help you prioritize your spending and allocate more money towards other financial goals.

Planning your meals and shopping list ahead of time can help you stick to your budget and avoid overspending.

Writing down your budget and tracking your expenses can also help you stay accountable and adjust your spending as needed.

17. Consider canceling your TV subscription

There are many alternatives to cable TV, such as live TV streaming services, that offer cheaper options for watching your favorite shows and live sports.

You can also rotate your streaming subscriptions to save money and avoid content droughts.

Canceling your TV subscription does not mean sacrificing your favorite TV shows or live sports, as there are many ways to watch them without cable.

18. Always avoid late fees

Paying bills on time is one way to avoid late fees. Other frugal living tips include avoiding credit card debt, being mindful of bank fees, and negotiating to have fees waived.

By avoiding late fees and other unnecessary expenses, you can save money and achieve your financial goals.

19. Sell things you don’t need

Selling things can also help you declutter your home.

While it may take some time and effort to sell your items, it can be worth it if you can make some extra cash.

However, if your items are not selling or if the time and effort required to sell them is not worth it, it may be better to donate them.

Overall, selling things you don’t need is a good way to reduce financial waste and save money.

20. Make meal planning a priority

By planning meals in advance, you can take advantage of sales and discounts, avoid eating out, and reduce food waste.

Meal planning can also help you eat healthier and stick to a budget.

There are various resources available, such as podcasts and articles, that provide tips and guidance on how to plan meals frugally.

21. Use fewer household products

By reducing the number of products you use, you can save money on buying them and also reduce waste.

For example, you can use multi-purpose cleaners instead of buying separate products for different surfaces, or use cloth napkins instead of disposable ones.

Additionally, buying high-quality items that you will use frequently can be more cost-effective in the long run than buying cheaper items that need to be replaced more often.

22. Try DIY around the home

There are many resources available to help you get started, including websites with frugal living tips for homeowners,

YouTube videos with practical ways to create a frugal home, and articles with tips for frugal home DIY projects.

By being patient, studying first, and working second, you can successfully complete DIY projects and save money on home improvements.

Additionally, making your own cleaning, health, and beauty products can also help you live a more simplified life and save money.

23. Use money making apps

Using money-making apps can be a great way to earn extra income and save money, which is a key aspect of frugal living.

There are many apps available that can help you save money on everyday purchases, such as groceries and gas, as well as earn cash back on purchases or complete surveys and other tasks for money.

Some of the best money-making apps include Ibotta, Rakuten, and Swagbucks. By using these apps, you can earn extra money without having to make significant changes to your lifestyle or budget.

This can help you achieve your financial goals and live a more frugal lifestyle.

24. Buy a car you can afford

It is recommended to buy a car that you can afford to avoid overspending and exceeding your budget.

A general rule of thumb is to spend no more than 10% of your gross annual income on the purchase price of a car.

This is because the upfront cost of a vehicle is not the only expense you will have, and cutting down your base price budget is the most effective way to save money.

If you cannot pay cash for your car, then you may not be able to afford it at all.

Buying a used car can also be a more frugal option, as it can be paid for in cash or have a lower loan amount, resulting in less interest paid overall.

25. Only buy clothes if you need them

According to the 80/20 rule, we wear 20% of our clothing 80% of the time, so it pays to buy fewer quality clothes.

The biggest misconception about frugality is that it only concerns the cost of things, but wise spending decisions also involve buying less but better quality items.

Shopping for sales and looking for bargains at second-hand and thrift stores are also ways to save money on clothing.

Practicing frugal living doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy life, but it does require thoughtful shopping and making changes in your spending habits.

26. Don’t keep unnecessary items

This can help you save money by avoiding accumulating clutter and spending money on things you don’t need.

Being frugal means being resourceful and intentional with your money.

It’s important to prioritize necessary expenses and avoid unnecessary expenses to pay off debts more quickly and save money in the long run.