11 Sneaky Ways to Save Money

Saving money is essential for achieving financial goals, whether it’s for a down payment on a house, an emergency fund, or a dream vacation.

With the right approach, anyone can find clever ways to save money without feeling deprived.

This blog post will introduce you to 11 sneaky ways to save money, which will help you reach your financial goals faster.

Sneaky Ways to Save Money

1. Automate Your Savings

Automated savings methods involve setting up recurring transfers from your checking account to a savings account, retirement account, or investment account. This can be done through your bank or a financial app.

Automating savings ensures you save money consistently, prevents you from overspending, and allows you to take advantage of the power of compound interest.

To set up automated savings, choose a specific amount or percentage of your paycheck, determine the frequency (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly), and provide the necessary account information to your bank or financial app.

2. Eliminate Phantom Energy Usage

Phantom energy, also known as standby power, is the energy consumed by electronic devices even when they are turned off or in standby mode.

To identify and eliminate phantom energy usage, unplug chargers when not in use, use power strips with an on/off switch, and consider investing in energy-saving smart plugs or outlets.

By reducing phantom energy usage, you can save up to $200 per year on your energy bills.

3. Utilize Cashback and Reward Programs

Cashback and reward programs are incentives offered by credit card companies, retailers, and other businesses to reward loyal customers and encourage spending.

To maximize these programs, sign up for cashback credit cards, join retailer loyalty programs, and use cashback apps or websites when shopping online.

Some popular cashback and reward programs include Rakuten, Swagbucks, and various store-specific loyalty programs.

4. Plan Your Meals and Shop Smart

Meal planning involves creating a weekly or monthly menu, making a grocery list based on the menu, and sticking to that list when shopping.

Strategies for efficient grocery shopping include buying in bulk, utilizing coupons, and shopping at discount stores.

Meal prepping can save money by reducing food waste and discouraging impulse purchases like takeout or convenience foods.

5. Embrace DIY Solutions

DIY projects allow you to save money by doing tasks yourself instead of hiring professionals or buying expensive products.

Some DIY projects to save money include basic home repairs, sewing and mending clothes, and making homemade cleaning products.

To learn DIY skills, explore online tutorials, attend workshops, or borrow books from your local library.

6. Negotiate Your Bills

Negotiating bills can lead to lower monthly payments and better deals on services like cable, internet, and cell phone plans.

Successful negotiation tips include researching competitors’ pricing, being polite yet firm, and being willing to walk away if necessary.

Examples of bills you can negotiate include cable, internet, cell phone, and even medical bills.

7. Cut the Cord and Find Cheaper Entertainment Options

Cord-cutting involves canceling traditional cable or satellite TV services in favor of more affordable alternatives.

Money-saving alternatives to cable TV include streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, or YouTube TV, as well as over-the-air antennas for local channels.

For affordable entertainment, consider attending free community events, visiting parks, or hosting game nights with friends.

8. Buy Generic or Store Brands

Generic or store-brand products are often just as good as name-brand items but come at a lower price.

Buying generic or store brands can save you a significant amount on your grocery and household expenses.

To identify quality generic products, compare ingredients or materials with those of name-brand items, read reviews, and experiment with different brands to find the best fit for your needs.

9. Shop Secondhand and Take Advantage of Sales

Shopping secondhand allows you to save money while also being environmentally friendly.

Tips for finding quality secondhand items include visiting thrift stores, consignment shops, and online marketplaces like eBay or Poshmark. Inspect items thoroughly before purchasing.

Strategies for maximizing savings during sales include creating a shopping list, setting a budget, and using price comparison tools to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

10. Eliminate or Reduce Expensive Habits

Identifying expensive habits, such as dining out frequently or buying a daily coffee, can help you find areas where you can save money.

Strategies for reducing or eliminating these habits include setting a budget for discretionary spending, finding cheaper alternatives, or implementing a “no spend” challenge.

Examples of habits to target include smoking, excessive shopping, and frequent takeout orders.

11. Utilize Free or Low-Cost Resources

Many resources are available for free or at a reduced cost, which can help you save money on various expenses.

Examples of free or low-cost resources include public libraries, community centers, and online platforms offering free educational content.

To find and take advantage of these resources, explore your local community, search online for free services in your area, and subscribe to newsletters or social media pages that share budget-friendly tips and resources.


By implementing these 11 sneaky ways to save money, you can make a significant impact on your finances and achieve your financial goals more quickly.

We encourage you to try out these strategies and see which ones work best for you.

We also invite you to share your own money-saving tips in the comments below or with friends and family, as everyone’s financial journey is unique and can benefit from shared experiences and knowledge.