15 Tips to Teach Your Child to Save Money

Teaching children about financial responsibility is an essential part of their development.

Not only will it help them become more responsible adults, but it will also provide them with a strong foundation to achieve their financial goals.

As a parent, your role is crucial in instilling good financial habits that will last a lifetime.

In this blog post, we will share 15 tips to help you teach your child to save money.

How to Teach Your Child to Save Money

1. Teach Money Basics

Start by explaining to your child what money is, its purpose, and how it is earned.

Use simple terms and everyday examples to help them understand the concept better.

Help your child differentiate between needs (things they must have) and wants (things they would like to have).

This will allow them to prioritize their spending and make smarter financial decisions.

Teach your child about the different types of currency such as coins and bills, and their values.

Encourage them to practice counting money and making change.

2. Start Early with a Piggy Bank

A piggy bank is a simple and effective way to introduce the concept of saving. It helps children visualize their savings and understand the value of setting money aside for future needs.

Explain to your child that even small amounts of money can add up over time. Encourage them to save their loose change in their piggy bank.

Establish a routine for your child to deposit money into their piggy bank regularly. This will help instill a habit of saving from an early age.

3. Open a Savings Account

A savings account is a crucial tool for teaching your child about money management.

It allows them to earn interest on their savings and teaches them about the banking system.

Take your child with you when you open their savings account. Allow them to ask questions and participate in the process to ensure they understand the importance of saving.

Teach your child about interest and how it helps their savings grow. Use simple examples to illustrate the concept of compound interest.

4. Set Savings Goals

Work with your child to set specific, measurable, and attainable savings goals. These can range from saving for a toy to saving for college.

Teach your child to prioritize their goals based on their needs, wants, and the time it will take to achieve them.

Regularly review your child’s progress towards their goals and celebrate their achievements. This will encourage them to stay focused and motivated.

5. Encourage Budgeting

Teach your child the importance of creating a budget to manage their money effectively. Explain that a budget helps them allocate their funds to meet their needs and wants.

Assist your child in creating a basic budget, including categories for savings, needs, and wants. Adjust the budget as needed to reflect their changing priorities.

Encourage your child to keep track of their spending by writing it down or using a budgeting app. This will help them stay within their budget and make better financial decisions.

6. Create a Visual Representation of Savings

Visual aids can help your child see their savings growth over time. Create charts or graphs that track their progress towards specific goals or overall savings.

A visual representation of savings can motivate your child to continue saving and get excited about their progress. Celebrate milestones and acknowledge their hard work.

Display the visual aid in a prominent place where your child can see it daily. This constant reminder will help them stay focused on their goals and understand the benefits of saving.

7. Teach the Value of Delayed Gratification

Explain to your child that sometimes waiting to make a purchase can lead to greater rewards or better deals. This teaches them the importance of patience and self-control.

Use real-life examples to illustrate how saving for a more significant goal, like a special toy or a family vacation, can be more rewarding than making smaller impulse purchases.

Share your own experiences with delayed gratification, including the challenges you faced and the benefits you gained from waiting.

8. Encourage Earning Extra Money

Introduce the idea of earning money through age-appropriate chores or part-time jobs.

This will help your child understand the value of hard work and the connection between effort and financial reward.

Encourage your child to develop negotiation skills by discussing the terms of their chores or jobs.

Support their entrepreneurial spirit by helping them create a small business, such as a lemonade stand or lawn care service.

Acknowledge your child’s efforts and dedication to earning money. Praise their hard work and encourage them to continue striving for financial independence.

9. Teach Comparison Shopping

Teach your child the value of comparing prices and searching for the best deal before making a purchase. This skill will help them save money and make more informed decisions.

Show your child how to use online shopping platforms and price comparison tools to find the best deals. Teach them to read reviews and consider shipping costs when making a purchase.

Help your child develop critical thinking skills by discussing the pros and cons of different purchases. Encourage them to consider the long-term value and usefulness of the items they buy.

10. Make Saving Money a Family Activity

Involve your child in setting and working towards family financial goals. This will help them understand the importance of teamwork and shared responsibility.

Include your child in discussions about household expenses and budgeting. This will give them a better understanding of the costs associated with running a home and the importance of managing money responsibly.

Organize family savings challenges to encourage healthy competition and motivate everyone to save more. Celebrate the achievements and progress made by each family member.

11. Discuss the Importance of Charitable Giving

Teach your child about the importance of giving back to their community and helping others in need.

Explain the various ways they can contribute, such as donating money, time, or resources.

Encourage your child to research different charitable organizations and choose a cause that resonates with them. This will help them feel more connected to their giving and understand the impact they can make.

Establish a routine for your child to donate a portion of their savings to their chosen cause. This will help instill a habit of charitable giving and teach them the value of generosity.

12. Introduce the Concept of Investing

Introduce your child to the idea of investing as a way to grow their money over time. Explain the basics of the stock market, bonds, and other investment options in simple terms.

Help your child understand that investing can provide long-term financial growth and security. Discuss the power of compound interest and the importance of diversification.

Open a custodial investment account for your child to give them hands-on experience with investing. Guide them in making investment decisions and monitor the account’s progress together.

13. Encourage Financial Literacy

Provide your child with books, games, and online resources that promote financial literacy. Choose materials that are age-appropriate and engaging to help them develop a strong understanding of money management.

Use real-life examples to discuss financial concepts with your child. This will help them apply their knowledge to everyday situations and make better financial decisions.

Encourage your child’s school to include financial education in their curriculum. Volunteer to help organize or participate in financial literacy events or programs.

14. Be a Positive Financial Role Model

Set a good example by managing your own finances responsibly. Show your child that you prioritize saving, budgeting, and investing to achieve your financial goals.

Discuss your personal financial experiences with your child, both successes and setbacks. This will help them learn from your experiences and understand the importance of making wise financial decisions.

Foster a comfortable environment for discussing money matters with your child. Encourage them to ask questions and share their thoughts or concerns about finances.

15. Teach the Importance of Building Credit

Introduce your child to the concept of credit and the importance of having a good credit score. Explain how credit scores affect their ability to borrow money, get a job, or rent an apartment.

Teach your child the proper way to use a credit card and the importance of paying off the balance in full each month. Explain the consequences of carrying a balance and accruing interest.

Consider adding your child as an authorized user on your credit card or helping them open a secured credit card when they are old enough. This will help them begin building their credit history responsibly.


Teaching your child about saving money and financial responsibility is an essential part of their development.

By following these 15 tips, you can help your child build a strong financial foundation that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Encourage open communication about money matters and be proactive in providing guidance and support as they navigate their financial journey.