15 Actionable Ways To Get Massive Traffic From Pinterest

With over 400 million active users, Pinterest has emerged as a powerful platform for bloggers, online businesses, and content creators to drive traffic to their websites.

Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest operates as a visual search engine, making it an indispensable tool for increasing brand visibility and generating organic traffic.

In this blog post, we will explore 15 actionable ways to get massive traffic from Pinterest and grow your online presence.

Setting up a Pinterest-friendly website

Installing a “Pin It” button on your site

Making it easy for your visitors to share your content on Pinterest is crucial for increasing your reach.

Add a “Pin It” button to your website, so users can effortlessly pin images from your site to their Pinterest boards.

There are various plugins available for popular content management systems like WordPress, or you can implement a custom solution using Pinterest’s API.

Optimizing website images for Pinterest

To maximize your content’s visibility on Pinterest, optimize your website images for the platform.

Use high-quality, visually appealing images in a 2:3 aspect ratio, as this performs best on Pinterest’s grid layout.

Additionally, ensure your images are properly compressed to reduce load times and improve user experience.

Creating pinnable images with text overlay

Images with text overlays tend to perform better on Pinterest because they provide context and grab users’ attention.

Use easy-to-read fonts and contrasting colors to create engaging images with text overlays that encourage users to click through to your website.

Creating a strategic Pinterest profile

Using a keyword-rich display name and description

Optimize your Pinterest profile for search by using a display name and description that includes relevant keywords.

This helps users find your profile and boards when they search for related topics on Pinterest, increasing your visibility and organic reach.

Setting up a business account for analytics

Switch to a Pinterest business account, as it provides access to valuable analytics and features like Rich Pins and Promoted Pins.

With a business account, you can monitor your profile’s performance, analyze your audience, and refine your content strategy.

Creating relevant boards

Organize your content into well-curated boards that reflect your niche or brand. Use descriptive titles and include keywords in board descriptions to improve your search ranking.

As a best practice, create at least 10-15 boards with a minimum of 10 Pins each to showcase a diverse range of content.

Crafting engaging Pins

Using high-quality images

High-quality, visually appealing images are essential for capturing users’ attention on Pinterest.

Invest in professional photography or use royalty-free stock images to create eye-catching Pins that stand out in users’ feeds.

Writing descriptive captions with keywords

Pinterest captions should be both informative and keyword-rich to improve your Pins’ search visibility.

Incorporate relevant keywords into your captions and provide context to encourage users to click through to your website.

Properly categorizing your Pins

Categorize your Pins accurately to ensure they appear in relevant search results and users’ home feeds.

This increases the likelihood of your Pins being discovered and drives more targeted traffic to your website.

Pinning Consistently

Developing a pinning schedule

Consistently pinning fresh content is key to maintaining user engagement and growing your Pinterest following.

Develop a pinning schedule that suits your audience’s preferences, such as pinning daily or multiple times per day, to keep your content fresh and visible.

Pinning fresh content

Pinterest values fresh content, so prioritize creating and pinning new images and links. Regularly add new Pins to your boards and refresh existing content with updated images and captions to stay relevant in users’ feeds.

Using scheduling tools

Utilize Pinterest scheduling tools like Tailwind to maintain a consistent pinning schedule without spending hours on the platform daily.

These tools help you automate your pinning process, allowing you to focus on creating high-quality content for your website.

Utilizing Group Boards

Finding relevant group boards

Group boards are a powerful way to amplify your reach on Pinterest. Find group boards in your niche by searching for relevant keywords or using tools like PinGroupie.

Joining these boards exposes your content to a larger audience and helps drive traffic to your site.

Requesting access and following the rules

To join a group board, follow the board’s instructions for requesting access, which typically involves contacting the board owner.

Once you’re granted access, adhere to the board’s rules regarding pin frequency and content type to maintain a positive relationship with other contributors.

Engaging with other contributors

Interact with other group board contributors by repinning their content, commenting on their Pins, and following their profiles. This encourages reciprocation and fosters a collaborative environment that helps your Pins gain traction.

Harnessing the power of Rich Pins

Understanding the types of Rich Pins

Rich Pins provide additional information about your content, such as product pricing, recipe ingredients, or article titles.

There are four types of Rich Pins: Product, Recipe, Article, and App. Identify the type that best suits your content to enhance user experience and drive engagement.

Implementing Rich Pins on your website

To enable Rich Pins, add the appropriate metadata to your website’s content and validate your Pins using Pinterest’s Rich Pin Validator. Once approved, all future Pins from your site will display as Rich Pins, making them more informative and engaging.

Using Rich Pins strategically

Leverage Rich Pins to showcase your content’s value and encourage users to click through to your website. For example, use Product Rich Pins to highlight product pricing and availability, or use Article Rich Pins to emphasize your content’s title and description.

Growing your Pinterest followers

Interacting with other users

Engage with other Pinterest users by repinning, liking, and commenting on their Pins. This not only helps you build relationships but also increases the likelihood of them following your profile and repinning your content.

Following and engaging with influencers

Identify influencers in your niche and follow their Pinterest profiles. Engage with their content and consider collaborating with them to boost your profile’s visibility and attract more followers.

Cross-promoting your Pinterest account

Promote your Pinterest account on other social media platforms, your website, and email newsletters to encourage your existing audience to follow you on Pinterest.

This helps you diversify your traffic sources and increases your overall online presence.

Employing Pinterest Analytics

Analyzing your profile’s performance

Use Pinterest Analytics to monitor your profile’s performance, track your audience growth, and identify your top-performing Pins and boards.

This data helps you refine your content strategy and focus on what works best for your audience.

Analyze your most popular Pins and boards to determine the type of content that resonates with your audience.

Use this information to create more of what works, driving increased engagement and traffic to your website.

Adjusting your strategy based on data

Regularly review your Pinterest Analytics data to make data-driven decisions about your content strategy. Continuously test new ideas and adjust your approach based on performance to maximize your Pinterest traffic.

Running Pinterest Ads

Understanding Promoted Pins

Promoted Pins are paid advertisements that appear in users’ feeds and search results. They look similar to organic Pins but have a “Promoted” label. Use Promoted Pins to increase your content’s visibility and drive targeted traffic to your website.

Targeting the right audience

When creating Promoted Pins, define your target audience based on factors such as demographics, interests, and behaviors.

This ensures your ads are shown to users who are most likely to engage with your content and visit your website.

Measuring ad performance

Monitor the performance of your Promoted Pins using Pinterest Ads Manager. Analyze metrics like impressions, clicks, and conversions to assess the effectiveness of your ads and optimize them for better results.

Leveraging Pinterest SEO

Researching relevant keywords

Use Pinterest’s search functionality or tools like Pinterest Keyword Tool to identify popular keywords related to your niche.

Incorporate these keywords into your profile, board descriptions, and Pin captions to improve your search visibility.

Optimizing your profile, boards, and Pins

Ensure your profile, boards, and Pins are optimized for Pinterest search by using descriptive titles, captions, and hashtags that include relevant keywords.

This helps users find your content when they search for related topics, driving more traffic to your website.

Monitoring your Pinterest search ranking

Regularly check your Pinterest search ranking for targeted keywords to assess the effectiveness of your SEO efforts. Adjust your strategy as needed to improve your search visibility and drive more organic traffic to your site.

Utilizing Pinterest Tools

There are various tools available to help you manage your Pinterest account more effectively, such as Tailwind, Later, and Buffer. These tools offer features like scheduling, analytics, and content curation to streamline your Pinterest marketing efforts.

Scheduling Pins with Tailwind

Tailwind is a popular Pinterest scheduling tool that enables you to plan and automate your pinning strategy.

Use Tailwind’s Smart Schedule feature to determine the best times to pin your content and maximize your reach.

Tracking performance with third-party analytics tools

Supplement Pinterest Analytics with third-party tools like Google Analytics to gain deeper insights into your website traffic from Pinterest. These tools help you understand user behavior, track conversions, and identify opportunities for growth.

Repurposing content for Pinterest

Creating multiple Pin images for a single piece of content

Design different Pin images for a single piece of content to test which visuals perform best on Pinterest. This also allows you to target various keywords and reach a broader audience.

Pinning evergreen content

Regularly pin and repin evergreen content to ensure it remains visible and continues driving traffic to your website. This helps you capitalize on your existing content and maintain a consistent presence on Pinterest.

Refreshing old content with new images

Update old content with new images and captions to reengage your audience and attract new visitors to your website. This not only keeps your Pinterest profile fresh but also extends the lifespan of your content.

Running Pinterest Contests

Designing a Pinterest-specific contest

Create a Pinterest contest that encourages users to pin your content, follow your profile, or engage with your brand in some way. This helps increase your visibility, grow your following, and drive more traffic to your website.

Promoting your contest

Promote your Pinterest contest on your website, email newsletters, and other social media platforms to maximize participation and engagement. Make sure to include clear contest rules and guidelines to ensure a smooth and successful contest.

Analyzing contest results

After your contest concludes, analyze the results to determine its effectiveness in driving traffic and engagement. Use this information to refine future contests and improve your overall Pinterest strategy.

Collaborating with Pinterest Influencers

Identifying relevant influencers

Find influencers in your niche who have an engaged Pinterest following. Collaborating with these influencers can help you reach a larger audience and generate more traffic to your website.

Establishing partnerships

Reach out to potential influencers with a well-crafted proposal that outlines the benefits of a partnership for both parties. Offer incentives like free products, exclusive discounts, or monetary compensation to encourage collaboration.

Promoting collaborations on Pinterest

Promote your collaboration with influencers by creating co-branded Pins, hosting joint giveaways, or featuring influencer-generated content on your boards. This not only exposes your brand to a wider audience but also adds credibility and social proof to your content.


In this blog post, we’ve explored 15 actionable ways to get massive traffic from Pinterest.

I hope these tips will help you grow on Pinterest platform.