The Cold Email Formula: How To Write Cold Emails That Get Clients

Cold emailing remains a powerful tool for acquiring new clients and expanding your business.

However, the ever-increasing volume of emails in people’s inboxes poses a significant challenge for businesses trying to stand out and capture their audience’s attention.

This blog post will introduce you to a tried-and-true cold email formula that will help you craft irresistible emails, break through the noise, and secure new clients for your business.

The Cold Email Formula

Research Your Prospects

The first step to creating a winning cold email is thorough research.

To craft a compelling message, you need to understand the industry, identify specific companies or clients, and pinpoint their needs and pain points.

Here’s how you can conduct effective research:

  • Understand the industry: Familiarize yourself with the trends, challenges, and opportunities in your target industry. Read articles, follow influential blogs, and engage with social media conversations to stay informed.
  • Identify specific companies or clients: Create a list of potential clients based on their industry, size, and other relevant factors. Focus on businesses that could benefit most from your services or products.
  • Learn about their pain points and needs: Dive deeper into your target clients’ concerns and challenges by studying their websites, social media profiles, and online reviews. Identify common issues they face, which your service or product can help solve.

Craft a Compelling Subject Line

Your subject line is the first thing a prospect sees and plays a crucial role in determining whether your email gets opened or not.

Keep these tips in mind when crafting your subject line:

  • Use personalization: Including the recipient’s name or company name in the subject line adds a personal touch and increases the chances of your email being opened.
  • Create curiosity or urgency: Use curiosity-driven phrases or time-sensitive language to encourage the prospect to open your email. For example, “Unlock the secret to skyrocketing your sales” or “Limited-time offer to boost your revenue.”
  • Keep it short and to the point: Aim for a subject line that’s under 50 characters to ensure it’s fully visible on all devices and easy to read at a glance.

Write a Captivating Opening Line

Once you’ve grabbed the recipient’s attention with an engaging subject line, it’s time to reel them in further with a captivating opening line:

  • Personalize the greeting: Address the recipient by their first name to create a connection and make your email feel more personal.
  • Make a connection or reference: Mention a mutual connection, a recent company event, or a piece of content they shared to show that you’ve done your research and are genuinely interested in their business.
  • Show that you’ve done your homework: Demonstrate your understanding of their business, industry, or pain points early in your email to establish credibility and encourage them to keep reading.

Showcase Your Value Proposition

Next, it’s time to highlight your service or product’s benefits and explain why your prospect should consider working with you:

  • Explain your service or product benefits: Clearly articulate how your offering can help solve the prospect’s pain points or contribute to their business growth. Focus on the value you provide rather than just listing features.
  • Highlight your unique selling points: Emphasize what sets you apart from the competition and why you’re the best choice for their needs. This could include your expertise, innovative approach, or cost-effectiveness.
  • Include relevant examples or case studies: Share specific instances where you’ve successfully helped clients with similar challenges. This will give your prospect a better understanding of your capabilities and build trust in your expertise.

Provide Social Proof

Social proof is a powerful way to build credibility and convince prospects of your expertise. Incorporate these elements to strengthen your cold email:

  • Share client testimonials or success stories: Include quotes from satisfied clients or a brief success story that demonstrates the impact of your services or products.
  • Mention well-known brands or companies you’ve worked with: If you’ve worked with recognizable brands or industry leaders, mention them in your email. This association can lend credibility to your business and pique the interest of your prospects.
  • Use statistics to demonstrate your impact: Incorporate numbers that showcase the results you’ve achieved for clients, such as increased revenue, improved conversion rates, or reduced costs. This tangible evidence can make your value proposition more persuasive.

Include a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

Guide your prospect towards the desired next step by incorporating a clear and compelling CTA:

  • Be specific about the desired next step: Make it easy for your prospect to understand what you want them to do next, whether it’s booking a call, replying to your email, or visiting your website.
  • Make it easy for the prospect to take action: Remove any barriers that might deter your prospect from taking action, such as complicated steps or lengthy forms.
  • Offer an incentive or time-sensitive offer: Encourage your prospect to act quickly by providing a limited-time discount, free consultation, or bonus service.

End with a Professional and Friendly Close

Finish your email on a positive note with a courteous and professional closing:

  • Express gratitude for their time: Thank your prospect for taking the time to read your email and consider your offering.
  • Offer assistance or further information: Let them know that you’re available to answer any questions or provide additional information about your services or products.
  • Use an appropriate sign-off: Choose a friendly yet professional sign-off, such as “Best regards,” “Sincerely,” or “Kind regards.”

Additional Cold Email Tips

Beyond the cold email formula, keep these tips in mind to further enhance your emails:

  • Keep the email concise and easy to read: Aim for a length of around 200-300 words and use short paragraphs, bullet points, or numbered lists to break up large blocks of text.
  • Use proper formatting: Ensure your email is visually appealing and easy to read by using consistent fonts, sizes, and colors.
  • Follow up strategically and professionally: If you don’t receive a response, send a gentle follow-up email to remind your prospect of your offering and demonstrate your continued interest in their business.
  • Test and optimize your cold email strategy: Regularly track your email performance metrics, such as open and response rates, and test different elements to optimize your cold email strategy.


Cold emailing remains an essential tool for business growth, and mastering this art can make all the difference in securing new clients.

I hope this article helped you.